Czerka chemists were a members of a scientific department of the Czerka Corporation before, during and after the Cold War. Unlike those who served Czerka in more peaceful locations, those whos duties required them to work in hostile environments were trained in combat. Because of that the chemists were proficient with hand blasters and were capable to use various military-grade equipment. Shortly before the end of the Cold War many of them were stationed at secret Czerka Labs in the Republic Research Division facility on the planet Nar Shaddaa. Many of them were killed when a team of Imperial Operativesraided the labs to ensure Czerka-developed prototype sensors would not be used against Empire.
Blaster pistol L9.a1.1
Primary weapon
Electric shield
Protects from electricity-based attacks for a short period of time
Electric jolt
Fires a dart that delivers powerful electric shock to the target